How To Make 360 Waves More Visible

How To Make 360 Waves More Visible

Want you 360 Waves to POP and have everyone notice you?

360 Waves with Shine

Making your 360 Waves stand out is key. It's a fresh hairstyle and people are naturally attracted to the unique style of having 360 Waves in your head. We want our waves to stand out and POP at all times.

Maintaining your wolf is the hardest thing to do when it comes to 360 Waves. The longer you wolf, the curlier your hair becomes and the curlier your hair, the deeper your waves. Sadly, the longer you wolf the harder it gets to maintain your hair. Some of us have jobs and relationships and you may lose both if you don’t maintain your wolf! (Just kidding.) While wolfing, you need to ensure you get the right type of haircuts. Light tapers, line-ups and freehand trims are necessary while wolfing your 360 Waves.

What Is A Free-Hand Trim?

A freehand trim is lightly going over your waves with your clippers using no guard. This will cut off all the frizzy hairs that you can't lay down with a brush. (Be careful, one slip and you'll cut a patch out of your hair.) This is an excellent trick created by barbers to make us wavers look as fresh as possible while wolfing.


Make Sure You Wolf Your 360 Waves!

Wolfing is the best way to add depth to your 360 waves. You're going to want to try and wolf as long as possible. Some people wolf for 4 weeks, some wolf for 14. It all depends on your hair texture and the effort you put in when maintaining your hair. The straighter your hair is, the longer you'll need to wolf; about 6+ weeks because straighter hair doesn’t reach its curl length as quick as a tighter hair texture. To maximize your wolf session, you must maximize your brush sessions. The longer your hair, the more you need to brush.

Hard Brushes like the Rosé Pink Hard Brush work best while wolfing because of the firm bristles used. Your hair becomes harder to maintain and brush the longer it grows so its important to use a Hard Brush

Rosé Pink Hard Brush

Use Hair Products To Make Your Waves Shine

Hair Products are a great way to make your waves stand out. Depending on the ingredients used, certain hair creams can promote shine, moisture and help lay down your hair. 

The downfall of using products is they have the potential to be detrimental to your hair health. Certain ingredients like Petrolatum will add shine, but block your hair follicles because of the thick greasy texture.

It's best to use an All Natural 360 Wave Cream that is composed of natural ingredients and doesn't use the harmful chemicals that will damage your hair. Instead of Petrolatum, we use beeswax which is a natural resource. 

360 Wave Cream

Can Durags Add Shine To Your Waves?

There's a misconception that Durag's will take away shine and moisture from your waves. Thats true, but it depends greatly on the type of durag used. Silky Durags are made with breathable material that allow your hair to breathe while wearing them. The satin material also lays your down without drying out the follicles, thus resulting in 360 Waves that shine.


Remember, Waves are just laid down curls. If you can keep up your brushing to lay down your curls, use natural hair products, wear your durag when needed and get the correct haircuts at the right time, your 360 Waves will always pop!

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