How To Cut 360 Waves

How To Cut 360 Waves

How To Cut 360 Waves?

If you notice your 360 waves are starting to look out of control and messy while your wolfing, it probably means it’s time for a haircut. Cutting your 360 waves is the make-or-break of waving. You can either cut your hair too short and lose all the progress you’ve worked for or get a perfect haircut and have a great foundation for your next wolfing session. Every waver needs to learn what haircuts to get and throughout your journey you'll experiment with different guard lengths and figure out which haircut length is best for you.

With The Grain vs Against The Grain?

The most common haircut is a “2 With The Grain (WTG).” WTG means the barber is cutting your waves while going WITH your wave pattern. Against the grain (ATG) is when the barber cuts your hair AGAINST your wave pattern. You're probably wondering, why would I ever cut my hair against the grain? ATG cuts provide a cleaner cut as there's a guard evenly going against your hair. WTG may have patches or bumps in your hair as its not cutting the hair as clean.

So, What Haircut Should I Get?

If I get a 2 WTG, that means the lowest I can go ATG is a 4. If I wanted a 3 WTG, I would get a 6 ATG. I always double the number when determining what haircut length I want to go for.

Someone with a tighter curl texture would be able to use a 1 guard WTG on their waves because their hair is still curly at that length. If you have straight hair, going 1 WTG would most likely leave you with no waves. A straighter hair texture may get a better haircut if they use a higher guard, a 3 WTG for example.

360 Waves Haircut 2 WTG

Should I Cut My Own Hair?

To get the best waves possible, you need to brush your hair while wolfing. The longer you wolf, the messier your hair may get which forces you to get lineups and tapers weekly. This can become expensive and you also face the risk of your barber ruining your hair.

When I started cutting my own hair, I learned a lifelong skill that I use to this day and I've definitely saved thousands of dollars. Im able to give myself lineups and tapers anytime I want and doing so weekly allows me to wolf much longer as im in control of how my hair looks. Start slow and practice makes perfect! If you need assistance with lineups, check out The Cut Buddy. It helps you achieve the perfect lineup.

Best Products To Use After A Fresh Cut

The brush session after your haircut is very important. Your hair has become vulnerable since it's just been cut, and it's crucial you brush as much as possible after a fresh cut. It's best to use softer brushes when you get a haircut because the softer bristles will glide over the hair. Your hair is exposed since it's just been cut, so it's easier to get down to the scalp compared to when you're wolfing. The Inferno Soft Brush and the Slime Green Medium Curved Brush are my favourites to use once I get a fresh cut. The bristles glide over the waves while gently pulling the hair-strands. The soft bristles also evenly spread out the natural oils in my hair which promote shine.

Inferno Soft Brush

Should I Wash My Hair After A Fresh Cut?

This is an issue that I faced while being a waver. I realized after washing my hair after a fresh haircut, I would lose my waves. At this time, I was getting 2 WTG ( I have a straighter hair texture.) Once I switched my haircuts to 5 ATG, I noticed my waves would have the same shine and look compared to once I got out of the barber chair. This meant that the haircuts I previously got were not suited for my hair texture. Going ATG allowed me to cut my hair the perfect length, wash it, and I wouldn't lose any progress.

I think it's important to wash your hair after a haircut due to hygienic purposes. Your hair will get caught in your brush, fall all over your clothes which will make you itch, and you also dont want the germs from the clippers on your hair, no matter how well the barber sanitizes their tools. 

After washing your hair, it's important to apply a Natural 360 Wave Cream to your hair to replenish the oils and nutrients that have been stripped. This cream will also add shine to your hair which will make your fresh cut look even cleaner!

360 Wave Cream

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1 comment

I gotta question I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find the answer I’m looking for so don’t laugh but I’m white im tryna get waves I fw waves heavy but my hair is not the right texture and also is very straight and sort of thin I need to know what to do


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